mm-Wave & THz CMOS IC Design Course

morreale Thursday 03 of March, 2022

The mm-Wave and THz CMOS IC Design Course was held January 11 through February 4, 2022 virtually from the University of Limerick. The short course consisted of eight 1.5 hour lectures followed by a half hour question and answer session taught by Professor Patrick Reynaert from the University of Leuven (KU Leuven), Belgium.

Course Program

The topics and outlines for each lecture are shown below. I particularly liked Lecture 4 on transformer matching circuits with differential gains stages to construct Power Amplifiers (PAs) and Low Noise Amplifiers (LNAs).

Recommended Reading


We had two homework assignment using the Quite Universal Circuit Simulator (QUCS). QUCS is interesting because you can construct microstrip and strip line transmission lines, perform S-parameter simulations, and run harmonic balance simulation.

In two homework assignments, we simulated the amplifier stability for various values of neutralization capacitance. Then, we simulated effects of ground capacitance imbalance in a transformer with varying amounts of neutralization capacitance, and explored the stability of the transformer with an amplifier using K or Rollet Factor with variation in the components of passive input and output matching networks.


I enjoyed this course. I appreciate Professor Reynaert for teaching the course, and Hooman Reyhani for his efforts organizing the course.


Jay Morreale mm-Wave & THz CMOS Design Certificate of Completion
