The Workshop on Relativistic Dynamics of Graphene was held at the University of Washington in January 2008. I missed it big time but the seminar papers are still available. There were some very interesting talks that included:
- Fractionalization of charge and statistics in graphene and related structures
- Nonlinear Screening in Graphene Nanostructures
- SO(3) Theory of Graphene's Quantum Hall Effect
- Surprises in Dynamics in Quantum Hall Effect in Graphene
- Gauge Fields in Corrugated Graphene
- Quantum Critical Scaling in Graphene
- Atomic Collapse in Graphene
- Graphene, Vorticity and the Index Theorem
- Chiral Gauge Theory for Graphene-Like Systems
- The Magneto-Optical Response of the Dirac Quasiparticles in Graphene
- Simulating Dynamical Fermions in Lattice QCD
- The Schwinger Mechanism and Graphene
- RG Flow of Quartic Perturbations in Graphene: Strong-Coupling and Large-N Limits
- Plasmon Excitations in Graphene