

The Twinkie guide to Nanotechnology

morreale Tuesday 20 of November, 2012
The Twinkie guide to Nanotechnology is a 25 minute presentation given by scientist Andrew Maynard on well you guessed it nanotechnology. The guide is part of the Project on Emerging Nanotechnology. Dr Maynard gives some sense of relative scale of the nanotechnology. A Twinkie at about 10 cm in scale and DNA at about 2 nm are the same relative size difference as the Moon and a Twinkie, for example. He is optimistic about the future of nanotechnology but perception is very important for public acceptance and care must be taken to make sure that nanotechnology is safe. Studies have shown that rats that breath nanoparticles accumulate the nanoparticle in their brains instead of in the lungs which is typical of larger particles.