Tag Archives: electronics

Maker Fair 2015

I had a lot of fun at Maker Faire 2015 in Queens, NY  this year. There were more large corporate sponsors this year. Intel, Google, and Microsoft all had their own large tents setup. Google showed some boards used to develop Android Wear software. Intel showed Edison development boards that were compatible with Arduino and Seeed sensor kits. Microsoft demonstrated Windows 10 Internet of Things running on a Raspberry Pi 2. Arduino showed some new single board computers. Seeed had numerous interesting electronics kits for the BreagleBone Green, and showed Open Source phone hardware. The Google Aria project might take notice of this hardware. It’s minimal but easy to hack. There were a lot of 3D printers and drones at the Faire too. Check out my slide show for some photos of some of these items and more.

There were a lot of talks on the center stage and I was only able to see two of them. I hope that Maker Faire will stream them soon.